ELK LAKE Cafeteria
Procedure to Policy 808 - Negative Lunch Balance
Free / Reduced Lunch Information
Elk Lake Free/Reduced Lunch Info
SFSP link:
Special Dietary Needs Statement
Suggested Dietary Needs Statement:
The district makes accommodations for children who are unable to eat the school meals because of a disability that restricts their diet. In order to make modifications or substitutions to the school meal, the district must have a written Medical Statement on file that is signed by a State recognized medical authority (licensed physician, physician assistant, certified registered nurse practitioner, or dentist).
The statement must identify:
The child's disability
An explanation of why the disability restricts the child's diet
The major life activity affected by the disability
The food(s) to be omitted from the child's diet
The food or choice of foods that must be provided as the substitute